Saturday, December 31, 2011
Agak-agak korang kenal tidak dengan logo ini ?? atau macam pernah nampak ke ??kalau korang hendak tahu inilah logo kumpulan ONE tidak perasan pulak aku..sebenarnye aku tak bagi kata alu-aluan sebelom aku memulakan semua sebab gelojoh punya pasal ! tamak pon boleh dikatekan juga ! hahahahahha ! teruk kan ?? hehehehehehheheh.... okay kita mula semula ya ?? Salam Satu Malaysia !! dah tu je.. meh aku sambong balek citer aku ni ..
Ini adalah antara ahli-ahli group ni... hehehehhehehhe..
for me they are really handsome ! (speaking London tuh !)
kalau korang nak tahu nama mereka..sambong la bace blog ni..hahhahhahhahahha...kalau nak stop sampai situ pon tak pe .. aku tidak kesah pun..ihihihhihihihiih..
This is HARRY STYLES ...dia leader dalam group ni.
So sekarang korang dah kenal kan ?? hahahhahha kalau dah teruja bagus la.. hahhahahhah..dekat bawah ini aku sudah sediakan lagu baru mereka.. tapi LYRICS je la.. sebab official video mereka youtubers tidak update lagi.. hehehehhehehheh.. layan je.....
semoga korang bahagia dengar lagu ni !! hehhehehhehehheheh...
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Kemuncak IMAM MUDA
Salam satu Malaysia...ARGH!!!!! masa ni memang sengit giler!! memang susah hendak menentukan siapa yang akan di nobatkan sebagai pemenang..sama ada IMAM MUDA HASSAN atau IMAM MUDA NAZRUL..kerana mereka merupakan 2 finalis yang hebat..
Ini merupakan 2 finalis pada malam kemuncak IMAM MUDA..
dari sebelah kiri : IMAM MUDA HASSAN
dari sebelah kanan : IMAM MUDA NAZRUL
Tetapi siapa yang akan menjadi juara IMAM MUDA pada tahun 2011 ini ?
Dia merupakan IMAM MUDA HASSAN..
Dia merupakan IMAM MUDA HASSAN..
Ini pula merupakan NAIB JUARA IMAM MUDA PADA TAHUN 2011 !!
Dia merupakan IMAM MUDA NAZRUL...
Dia merupakan IMAM MUDA NAZRUL...
-: I.M.A.M M.U.D.A :-
Salam satu Malaysia..mungkin aku agak terlambat untuk post pasal IMAM MUDA..tapi bukannye aku kesah pun ..hehehhehehheheh..serius aku cakap cerita memang best ! bukannya senang untuk menjadi pemenang IMAM MUDA...kalau ASTRO RIA ada AKEDEMI FANTASIA, ASTRO PRIMA pula ada RAJA LAWAK..ASTRO WARNA ada pula MAHARAJA LAWAK..TV8 pula ada X-FACTOR..tidak salah kan kalau ASTRO OASIS ada IMAM MUDA..hehehehehehehe...cerita ini akan membuat korang tersentuh.. huh!
Ini adalah antara finalis-finalis IMAM MUDA..
Ini adalah para finalis yang telah terpilih dalam rancangan IMAM MUDA...
:: SaKiT KePaLa ::
Salam satu Malaysia..tak tahulah apa nak jadi dengan kepala aku ni !! hari aku rase aku asyek tidor je..aku rase aku tak selalulah demam macam ni selalu..tapi nak buat macam maner benda dah jadi..terpakse la aku redha..tapi sakit kepala ni aku rase macam nak hentak je kepala dekat dinding sebab dah terlalu sakit sangat ! haish~ ..
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Assalamualaikum and good evening & welcome..
Wow nice year!!! what happen in 2012?? End of world??? what?? world will be destroy??? but do I have any proof??? I will tell you but you should not be too believe it,just know it only is sufficient (for Muslim only)..
Scientists in overseas have been proved that on 21-12-2012 is the end of world!! so you have to be prepared to face all trials...this the proofs..
December 21st 2012 – a date that is well known globally. Several hundred years ago, the Ancient Mayans predicted the apocalypse on this very date. With their 5,125 year old calendar resetting itself to on this date, many are preparing for the worst. However, how legit is the prophecy of the Mayans? Here are the top ten reasons why the world will not end in 2012:
1. The Earth would run out of resources and energy.
There is no danger of energy depletion for the Earth. The available energy is self generating, continuous and unlimited. Furthermore, there is no chance of the universe enclosing, retracting and finally exploding resulting in destruction on December 21st 2012. This scenario is expected in 500 billion years. I am pretty sure our generation would have passed on by then.
2. There is a possibility of the earth coming to an end in 2012. However, truthfully there is also a probability of the end being today, tomorrow or 5000 years from now. There is no proper method of finding out when the apocalypse will take place. These prophecies are only based on assumptions and predictions with no scientific proof.
3. The Mayan culture disappeared long before their calendar ended.
The Maya may have an been advanced race in astrology and mathematics; however, they were not so proficient in their predictions. They might have foretold the end of life in the year 2012, but they could not predict the disappearance and demise of their own culture.
4. The Mayan Calendar resets itself to
Just as the calendar in your house ends after December 31st, so does the Mayan calendar. This does not mean that the Earth comes to an end with your calendar does it? The end of the Mayan calendar just means that the Mayan long-count period will end and another one would begin; just as your new calendar for the year would.
5. According to scientists, the Earth is going to go through a magnetic polar switch quite soon.
This assumption is predicted to cause utter chaos and destruction, which will possibly lead to the extinction of life. However, scientists have found out that the Earth has faced this issue 380, 000 years ago. Life clearly did manage to pass this problem, so it is likely we are to survive through it again.
6. Nostradamus predicted the end to be as a result of an asteroid smashing into the Earth. Recently, an asteroid has been spotted and found its way into news. The 900-foot wide asteroid, named Apophis, is believed to make its next close approach soon…in 2029! Even then, the collision probability has been downgraded to 1 in 250, 000 chance. There is another possibility of an uncharted asteroid or comet appearing out of the blue at any time; however, Earth-killing impacts have been millions of years apart. It is pretty obvious that our generation would no longer be in the picture in the next million years.
7. One of the most popular issues brought up by scientists is the increase in the number of solar flares. This problem would lead to satellites melting and eventually lead to a global catastrophe.
This is quite a load of rubbish as the sun goes though a well-documented 11-year sunspot cycle which is driven by its magnetic field. Although the next cycle is assumed to be 30 to 50 percent stronger than the last peak and is predicted to be in the year 2012, it is certainly not the highest peak recorded.
8. The planets will align in a way that impacts the Earth
To date there is no possibility of a planetary alignment for the next few decades. In addition, Earth will not cross a galactic plane in the year 2012. If this planetary alignment was to take place, scientists have found that their effects upon the Earth would be negligible. Each December the Earth and the Sun does align with approximately the center of the Milky Way Galaxy; nevertheless, there has been no sign of impact or consequence due to this process.
9. The origin of the Armageddon prediction in the year 2012 began with the story of Planet Nibiru smashing into the Earth.
A supposed planet discovered by the Sumerian, the theory of the Earth being destroyed in 2012 began with the prophecy the planet Nibiru clashing with the earth. Although initially predicted for May 2003, the doomsday date was postponed to December 2012 as nothing obviously happened. Ironically, both tales were linked to one of the cycles in the Ancient Mayan calendar that ends in 2012. This is an internet hoax! Amongst many other fibs; if a planet, asteroid or comet was heading towards the earth, astronomers would be definitely keeping track of them. Astronomers have found a dwarf planet similar to the size of Pluto known as Eris; however, this planet will remain in the outer solar system. The closest Eris can come in proximity with the Earth is 4 billion miles, which I believe is quite a lot of distance.
10. Finally, if the Armageddon is predicted to be on December 21st 2012, then why is my car warranty dated to May 2013?
There are many reasons the world will not end in 2012. Many of the predictions out there appear to be hoaxes as stated earlier. With the internet, it is easy to make up a bunch of rubbish and pass it around. Do not be fooled into these lame prophecies as it would only bring you worry. The Mayans did not predict the end of their calendar due to death and destruction on the Earth; instead they assumed a period of tribulation or spiritual change. Death and disaster is a daily activity in life. So live each day as the last, because the end of time cannot be predicted.
Is this true??? it is up to yourself to believe or not...for me i'm just taking it as a lesson...
Wow nice year!!! what happen in 2012?? End of world??? what?? world will be destroy??? but do I have any proof??? I will tell you but you should not be too believe it,just know it only is sufficient (for Muslim only)..
Scientists in overseas have been proved that on 21-12-2012 is the end of world!! so you have to be prepared to face all trials...this the proofs..
December 21st 2012 – a date that is well known globally. Several hundred years ago, the Ancient Mayans predicted the apocalypse on this very date. With their 5,125 year old calendar resetting itself to on this date, many are preparing for the worst. However, how legit is the prophecy of the Mayans? Here are the top ten reasons why the world will not end in 2012:
1. The Earth would run out of resources and energy.
There is no danger of energy depletion for the Earth. The available energy is self generating, continuous and unlimited. Furthermore, there is no chance of the universe enclosing, retracting and finally exploding resulting in destruction on December 21st 2012. This scenario is expected in 500 billion years. I am pretty sure our generation would have passed on by then.
2. There is a possibility of the earth coming to an end in 2012. However, truthfully there is also a probability of the end being today, tomorrow or 5000 years from now. There is no proper method of finding out when the apocalypse will take place. These prophecies are only based on assumptions and predictions with no scientific proof.
3. The Mayan culture disappeared long before their calendar ended.
The Maya may have an been advanced race in astrology and mathematics; however, they were not so proficient in their predictions. They might have foretold the end of life in the year 2012, but they could not predict the disappearance and demise of their own culture.
4. The Mayan Calendar resets itself to
Just as the calendar in your house ends after December 31st, so does the Mayan calendar. This does not mean that the Earth comes to an end with your calendar does it? The end of the Mayan calendar just means that the Mayan long-count period will end and another one would begin; just as your new calendar for the year would.
5. According to scientists, the Earth is going to go through a magnetic polar switch quite soon.
This assumption is predicted to cause utter chaos and destruction, which will possibly lead to the extinction of life. However, scientists have found out that the Earth has faced this issue 380, 000 years ago. Life clearly did manage to pass this problem, so it is likely we are to survive through it again.
6. Nostradamus predicted the end to be as a result of an asteroid smashing into the Earth. Recently, an asteroid has been spotted and found its way into news. The 900-foot wide asteroid, named Apophis, is believed to make its next close approach soon…in 2029! Even then, the collision probability has been downgraded to 1 in 250, 000 chance. There is another possibility of an uncharted asteroid or comet appearing out of the blue at any time; however, Earth-killing impacts have been millions of years apart. It is pretty obvious that our generation would no longer be in the picture in the next million years.
7. One of the most popular issues brought up by scientists is the increase in the number of solar flares. This problem would lead to satellites melting and eventually lead to a global catastrophe.
This is quite a load of rubbish as the sun goes though a well-documented 11-year sunspot cycle which is driven by its magnetic field. Although the next cycle is assumed to be 30 to 50 percent stronger than the last peak and is predicted to be in the year 2012, it is certainly not the highest peak recorded.
8. The planets will align in a way that impacts the Earth
To date there is no possibility of a planetary alignment for the next few decades. In addition, Earth will not cross a galactic plane in the year 2012. If this planetary alignment was to take place, scientists have found that their effects upon the Earth would be negligible. Each December the Earth and the Sun does align with approximately the center of the Milky Way Galaxy; nevertheless, there has been no sign of impact or consequence due to this process.
9. The origin of the Armageddon prediction in the year 2012 began with the story of Planet Nibiru smashing into the Earth.
A supposed planet discovered by the Sumerian, the theory of the Earth being destroyed in 2012 began with the prophecy the planet Nibiru clashing with the earth. Although initially predicted for May 2003, the doomsday date was postponed to December 2012 as nothing obviously happened. Ironically, both tales were linked to one of the cycles in the Ancient Mayan calendar that ends in 2012. This is an internet hoax! Amongst many other fibs; if a planet, asteroid or comet was heading towards the earth, astronomers would be definitely keeping track of them. Astronomers have found a dwarf planet similar to the size of Pluto known as Eris; however, this planet will remain in the outer solar system. The closest Eris can come in proximity with the Earth is 4 billion miles, which I believe is quite a lot of distance.
10. Finally, if the Armageddon is predicted to be on December 21st 2012, then why is my car warranty dated to May 2013?
There are many reasons the world will not end in 2012. Many of the predictions out there appear to be hoaxes as stated earlier. With the internet, it is easy to make up a bunch of rubbish and pass it around. Do not be fooled into these lame prophecies as it would only bring you worry. The Mayans did not predict the end of their calendar due to death and destruction on the Earth; instead they assumed a period of tribulation or spiritual change. Death and disaster is a daily activity in life. So live each day as the last, because the end of time cannot be predicted.
Is this true??? it is up to yourself to believe or not...for me i'm just taking it as a lesson...
HaI PeNg..
Assalamualaikum & Selamat Datang..
korang pernah sarapan kat kedai kopi HAI PENG..dekat KEMAMAN,TERENGGANU..(sape yang duduk kat TERENGGANU..)sebenarnye aku pun bukannya anak jati TERENGGANU tapi..disebabkan aku pernah pegi sana sebas tu lor aku kongsikan pengalaman aku bersama korang..hehhehehe...walaupun hargenye sedikit mahal tapi aku rase macam berbaloi la kalau korang makan dekat sana..tapi seriously,dekat situ pagi-pagi memang penuh giler orang dekat kedai tu..(lagi pun pagi je bukak petang & malam tutup!!) tapi kopi dia memang umph !!! pekat giler !! sape yang tidak biasa boleh kena migrain ! ehehhehhehehe..tapi memang sedap!!
korang pernah sarapan kat kedai kopi HAI PENG..dekat KEMAMAN,TERENGGANU..(sape yang duduk kat TERENGGANU..)sebenarnye aku pun bukannya anak jati TERENGGANU tapi..disebabkan aku pernah pegi sana sebas tu lor aku kongsikan pengalaman aku bersama korang..hehhehehe...walaupun hargenye sedikit mahal tapi aku rase macam berbaloi la kalau korang makan dekat sana..tapi seriously,dekat situ pagi-pagi memang penuh giler orang dekat kedai tu..(lagi pun pagi je bukak petang & malam tutup!!) tapi kopi dia memang umph !!! pekat giler !! sape yang tidak biasa boleh kena migrain ! ehehhehhehehe..tapi memang sedap!!
ni la kedai nye... walaupun kecil tetap ada pelaggan!! pernaigaan yang bagus !
kalau korang masuk dekat pintu depan korang akan nampak papan ni kat atas...hehehe....rajin-rajin la pandang keatas..(semate-mate)
kopi ni la yang aku kate pekat giler tu!!! tapi sedap!!aku boleh bagi thumbs up pada pembuat serbuk kopi & pembancuh air ni..sebab sedap giler!! kalah kedai lain!!
brain freeze beb!!! (kalau korang minum tak berhenti) sedap giler tu!!! makan lagi dengan ais-krim lagi la bertambah sedap!! korang WAJIB rasa air ni!!
nasi ni pon sedap jugak taw!!sambal dia memang sedap !!! memang best arh!!
tengok ni!! kuih TERENGGANU !! pure punya beb!! jangan main-main !! sedap ni!!! rugi kalau tak rasa!!
kepada peminat tapai aku syorkan korang rase tapai kat kedai ni !! sebab memang sedap(bagi aku lor tak taw la kalau korang) tap apa pun memang sedap!!
kenapa?? terkejut?? tak sangka kan??sebab tu lor aku request suruh korang try makanan & minuman dekat situ!! sebab sudah terbukti kesedapannya..
Huhuhuhu...first time aku rase macam batak giler yea arh ..lepas tengok blog dia terus rasa macam teruja..hihihi..dia??? siapa tu?? mesti korang tertanya-tanya kan?? hehehehehhe.. biarla aku seorang je yang tahu... hihihihi.. tapi dia hensem giler!!! yang pasti bukan pelajar dari sekolah aku.. hehehe.. so susah la sikit kalau korang nak teka... hehehehe tapi pelik?? ye lor tengok blog je teros boleh suke..hihihi..sebenarnya muka dia pun boleh tahan ..yang pastinya dia pun tidak tahu yang aku suka kat tidak la malu sangat..hehehehhehehe..tapi blog dia smart gila!!! untung betol kalau jadi dia kan?? IT Addicted lor dikata kan...ehhehhehehehhe...
My JeRsY !
Hohohoho...jersy aku dah dapat!! setelah beberapa hari aku menuggu akhirnya sampai juga.. hehehehheheh..tapi bagi aku OK lor.. baju ni sebenarnya untuk dijadikan kenangan bersama-sama sahabat aku yang bakal meninggalkan sekolah..huhuhuhuhu...sedih pun ada bila difikirkan balik sebab disebalik perkataan 3M / 2M ..terdapat banyak kenangan yang tidak dapat aku lupakan!! Huh! rase macam kelakar bila diingatkan gelagat kami dalam kelas tersebut ..pelbagai duka & tawa kami hadapi sepanjang kami meneruskan pelajaran di sana...kami harap ini merupakan permulaan likuan hidup sebagai manusia yang berfikiran matang..segala kejadian yang berlaku di dalam kelas itu kami jadikannya teladan..eyh terlupa pulak gambar jersy aku..mey sini aku tujukkan...hehehehehe..
ni depan ..
ni yang belakang ..
mesti korang pelik asal aku tidak letak nama aku sendiri?? aku bukan tak nak tapi aku rasa baik tak letak nama sendiri letak je nama panggilan sebab itulah yang membuatkan korang teringat segala kenangan korang..hehehehhehhehheheh...
-: Beriadah :-
Petang tu sebenarnye nak ambil baju kelas aku je..sebenarnye itu je motif aku..tibe-tibe rase macam best pulak jumpe kawan kat taman tu..tapi tidak buat apa pun saje borak-borak kosong tu je lorh..tapi sempat la klik-klik di situ ..heheehhhe..say thanks to BALQIS..kerana dia la yang capture gambr kiteorang..
sedang sibuk melihat baju yang baru sampai..btw yang lain ni saje nak mengimbau kenangan naik lor dah lame kan tidak naik..
ni tengah rancak berbual sampai tidak perasan rupanya ade orang capture..hehehhehehehhe...
Ini lah dinamakan kenangan seketika..hehehhehehhehehhe..hopefully korang enjoy membaca cerita ni..
Friday, December 9, 2011
.:: O M B A K R I N D U ::.
Hari tu aku pegi tengok citer OMBAK RINDU..dengan ...ha.. cube teka ..mesti lor aku pegi dengan boyfriend aku..hehhehehheheh.. mane ade.. gler ape!!! nak kene karah dengan mak & ayah aku?? aku pegi dengan sepupu aku...agak sedih arh aku dibuatnye..tak sangke pompuan cam aku ni boleh nangis tengok cite cam tu..klakar kan???(gelak je aq x marah pon) made sorang sebelah aku ni dia menangis gila-gila arh!!! banyak giler tisu yang dia keluarkan(padahal tidak nampak pun..saje nak sedapkan cerita)...dari awal dia nangis sampai habis..giler arh beremosi giler orang tu!!!aku pon tidak la menangis sampai macam tu sekali.....kesian aku tengok..teresak-esak dia nanges..haish ~
61 Rue Meslay, 75003 Paris, France
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Hanya ini yang aku tinggal...inilah gambar kelas ku...dan inilah kawan-kawanku(sebenarnye ramai lagi..sorry kepada yang tidak ada dalam gambar) selama 3 tahun aku di SMK Taman Melati(mesti tak pernah dengar kan?? sekolah ni tidak la famous sangat..)Mungkin tahun ini adalah tahun terakhir buat kawan-kawan dan aku di SMK Taman Melati..aku agak selesa berkawan dengan diaorang ni walaupun kiteorang jenis yang cakap lepas tapi hati diaorang baik..diaorang ni akan baik dengan orang kalau korang baik dengan diaorang tapi kalau korang kasar dengan orang lain diaorang pun akan berkasar dengan korang...banyak kenangan yang ada sepanjang kiteorang hidup sebagai pelajar selama 3 tahun di SMK Taman Melati....lagi satu sikap diaorang ni(majoriti) jenis pelajar yang terus terang kalau diaoarang tidak suka sikap orang tu..mereka bukanlah seorang pelajar yang berdendam...setiap kelas pasti ade gosip tersendiri kan??? begitu juga kitaorang..kami juga ada gosip tersendiri...hehehehehheh..di kelas kami ade beberape lelaki & perempuan yang terlalu popular dan diminati oleh junior & senior di sekolah itu...walaupun di kelas kami mempunyai pelajar bukan islam..kami tidak mengetepikan dia...kerana kami telah didik agar menjadi seorang pelajar yang peramah bersama orang lain tidak kira la dia berbangsa apa sekalipun..baikkan kiteorang??? hhehehhehhe.. mesti korang tertanya-tanyakan 3M tu kaelas ke berapa??? 3M merupakan kelas pertama di sekolah itu.."pandainye korang!!! mesti best kan jadi pelajar yang pandai kan??"..mengikut pengalaman saya berada di kelas pertama ada juga kebaikan dan keburukan...kadang-kadang korang akan rase terkongkong,stress(itu sudah pasti)..tapi ini juga untuk kebaikan korang..kebaikan nya pula..popular??? itu sudah pasti.. dihormati?? kadang-kadang..tapi tak best jugak kalau macam tu..nanti boleh jadi terlalu berlagak..." budak kelas pertama ni selalunya sombong!!" itulah yang selalu orang kata kepada kami tapi kami terima dengan hati terbuka & cuba untuk berubah..tapi jika sesiapa yang kenal kami dengan lebih rapat akan mengatakan yang kami semua ni merupakan pelajar-pelajar yang peramah..betul la orang kata duni ini penuh dengan dugaan dan pancaroba...kita sebagai manusia haruslah bersabar dan tabah menghadapinya...
dan kami semua telah menghadapinya dengan penuh kesabaran dan ketabahan yang kuat...TAHNIAH kepada kamu semua..hehehhehehhe..
ok la...sampai sini sahaja suratan saya..
dan kami semua telah menghadapinya dengan penuh kesabaran dan ketabahan yang kuat...TAHNIAH kepada kamu semua..hehehhehehhe..
ok la...sampai sini sahaja suratan saya..
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Ape perasaan orang giler tu bile kene ejek dengan ornag ek??? orang kata diaorang ni jenis manusia yang tiada perasan...tapi kadang-kadang kepada insan yang digelar GILA(I mean yang betul-betul GILA)..diaorang macam insan yang tiada life...mereka seolah-olah bukan berada di dunia realiti malh mereka seperti berada di duni khayalan mereka....kesian betul..kadang-kadang doktor sendiri pun gagal bawa mereka ke dunia realiti....Di hospital jika mereka memberontak doktor akan berikan mereka ubat penenenag/tidur supaya mereka tidak memberontak..kadang-kadang mereka ni kalau dah dapat benda yang berbahaya seperti pisau,parang,kapak,pistol& lain-lain..mereka akan memebunuh sahaja orang yang dihadapan mereka...lagi-lagi orang yang dekat dengan mereka dan orang tu sakit kan hati dia pulak..lagi la...jika mereka telah disyaki membunuh seseorang mereka tidak akan dimasukkan di penjara tapi mereka akan di tahan di HOSPITAL GILA..mereka akan dikurung di sebuah bilik dan diikat..jika dia diletakkan bersama yang lain takut nanti dia akan cuba untuk membunuh orang lain pula..setiap yang terjadi pasti ada jalan ceritanya...pastinya jalan ceritanya merupakan kisah pahit bagi seseorang itu...jika tidak,pasti seseorang itu memberontak sehinggakan menjadi orang gila..kadang-kadang orang yang waras pun tidak dapat nak menyelesaikan masalah orang gila ni kerana masalah mereka merupakan masalah yang complicated!!tapi kalo kita pandai jaga hati mereka..mereka pun selesa untuk menceritakan masalahnya....
Janganlah korang menghina orang gila kerana mereka juga merupakan insan yang seperti kita..cuma berbeza nya cara pemikiran mereka &kewarasan mereka....tapi mereka merupakn insan yang teristimewa...FIKIRKAN DAN RENUNGKAN....
Janganlah korang menghina orang gila kerana mereka juga merupakan insan yang seperti kita..cuma berbeza nya cara pemikiran mereka &kewarasan mereka....tapi mereka merupakn insan yang teristimewa...FIKIRKAN DAN RENUNGKAN....
Monday, November 14, 2011
Aku terpakse jadi budak pendiam...sebab sume orang kate "u are so annoying girl!!!"..ok skunk ni cube korang bayang kan..kalo dalam satu bicara tu orang tgh bergadoh...dan ko sbagai seorng kawan yg baek..adakah korang akan biarkan?? mestyla korang akan tukar topik kan...(tp kalo korang x de niat tok jd batu api lor..)dan aq cube tok tukar topik maybe care aq ktrlaluan kot..thats why org x ade aq kesah???kadang2 aq pikir cam rase tringin x nak ade kwn...mampos arh org kate aq gler!!! coz bknnye kacau hidop dyeorg rase kalo jd orang gler ni bagos...msty korang plik kan??? & mesty korang akn kate "mabok ,sewel,gila betol arh minah ni.." tapi cube korang pikir korang rase orang giler ade kne pikir nk jaga hati kwn dye tak??? ade tak orang giler kene fikir cara nak hentikan kawan-kawan dia begadoh???tak ade kan???so lagi bagos taw tak?? memang la korang akan rase cara aku macam cara orang bodoh tapi cuba korang fikir sebaik-baiknya..memang la kalau korang jadi orang gila korang akan sentiasa disisih oleh masyarakat tapi sebenarnya kadang-kadang orang waras ni lagi gila dari orang gila..setengah orang kate orang gila ni suka kacau orang..FAKTANYA KALAU KORANG TIDAK KACAU HIDUP DIA,DIA TIDAK AKAN KACO LIFE KORANG..SO TAK PAYAH GEDIK-GEDIK NAK KACAU MEREKA..korang taw x jadi orang gler ni ..mmg conform arh tidak ade kwn tapi mereka juga tidak akan ada dosa mengumpat,mencaci,dan segala perbuatan keji manusia di muka bumi ini..JADI,KORANG PILIHLA KORANG NAK JADI APE???ORANG WARAS ATAU ORANG GILA??FIKIRLA..
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Thank god tidak ada orang yang tahu pun asal blog lorh kalau address blog aku macam tu....
unless yang aku bagi tahu mereka la...yang tidak tahu tu.. lagi la..entah2 mereka tidak taw pon aku ada blog..ahahahahhahahaaaahahaha..terok kan??? orang ada blog mesti dia akn bagi tahu tapi aku tidak...pelikan??? kenapa?? kalau korang nak tahu stalker ada dimerata-rata tempat...tu yang tidak suka rasa macam i have control by someone who is i dont know...terok kan??? bagos jugak tidak ramai yang taw,,tidak mereka tahu perangai aku dan ape yang batak & admire sangat...nlanti orang kata setakat update je tapi ko tidak berusaha untuk dapat kan nye...pastu ungkit la. ape la...haih~ manusia...manusia.... ape la nak jadi dengan kehidupan korang ni???
Eyh aku nak tanya korang suka tidak kalau korang buat salah orang sentiasa nampak tapi kalau orang lain sentiasa tidak nampak??? mesti korang bengang kan??mesti korang rase macam korang je sentiasa salah kan???haih~
kalau salah kita sekecil kuman pon nampak tapi kalau orang lain salah dia sebesar gajah mesti tidak nampak...
nak kata buta tidak buta pon..sebab mata tu nampak je dengan jelas....
unless yang aku bagi tahu mereka la...yang tidak tahu tu.. lagi la..entah2 mereka tidak taw pon aku ada blog..ahahahahhahahaaaahahaha..terok kan??? orang ada blog mesti dia akn bagi tahu tapi aku tidak...pelikan??? kenapa?? kalau korang nak tahu stalker ada dimerata-rata tempat...tu yang tidak suka rasa macam i have control by someone who is i dont know...terok kan??? bagos jugak tidak ramai yang taw,,tidak mereka tahu perangai aku dan ape yang batak & admire sangat...nlanti orang kata setakat update je tapi ko tidak berusaha untuk dapat kan nye...pastu ungkit la. ape la...haih~ manusia...manusia.... ape la nak jadi dengan kehidupan korang ni???
Eyh aku nak tanya korang suka tidak kalau korang buat salah orang sentiasa nampak tapi kalau orang lain sentiasa tidak nampak??? mesti korang bengang kan??mesti korang rase macam korang je sentiasa salah kan???haih~
kalau salah kita sekecil kuman pon nampak tapi kalau orang lain salah dia sebesar gajah mesti tidak nampak...
nak kata buta tidak buta pon..sebab mata tu nampak je dengan jelas....
kenapa orang marah sangat kalau kita melawan kata orang tua???? orang kata tidak ada adab tapi cuba korang fikir kalau orang tua tu perli ko & keluarga ko...
apa yang korang rasa???of course la korang nak lawan balik kan kata dyeorg..tapi mereka kata berdfosa kalau melawan..tapi kalau nak menegakan kebenran tidak salah kan??? aku rasa ia tidak berdosa sebab kita nak menegakkan kebenaran....tapi aku paling sakit hati kalau orang itu suka sangat perli sampai dia pon tidak sedar diri yang dia pon sama!!! cermin la dulu muka ko tu...sedar sikit!!! sebelum kau mengata orang fikir dulu...adakah benda yang ko nak kata tu akan menyinggung perasaan orang atau tidak...
apa la nak jadi pada manusia zaman sekarang....
apa yang korang rasa???of course la korang nak lawan balik kan kata dyeorg..tapi mereka kata berdfosa kalau melawan..tapi kalau nak menegakan kebenran tidak salah kan??? aku rasa ia tidak berdosa sebab kita nak menegakkan kebenaran....tapi aku paling sakit hati kalau orang itu suka sangat perli sampai dia pon tidak sedar diri yang dia pon sama!!! cermin la dulu muka ko tu...sedar sikit!!! sebelum kau mengata orang fikir dulu...adakah benda yang ko nak kata tu akan menyinggung perasaan orang atau tidak...
apa la nak jadi pada manusia zaman sekarang....
Friday, November 4, 2011
Giler arh x taw nape aq batak sangat camera....padahal orang lain sume minat phone aq minat sangat camera baru...semua orang kate "baek ko bli phone baru macam i-phone ke(macam gambar kat bawah ni)"..
"kalau ko beli camera ape ko dapat???setakat tangkap gambar je..ko x bosan ke???"
tp mereka tidak rase ke kalau orang dah minat mestilah seseorang tu tidak akan bosan dan tidak seronok malah dia akan rase sgt bahagia dan seronok....
betul tidak??? kalau yang mempunyai minat macam aku korang akan kate ya kan???
cantik kan?? kalau oarang lain mesti kate "membazir je...sebab ko boleh setakat tangkap gmbar je.." Aq tidak faham la dengan mereka ini padahal kalau mereka beli i-phone , galaxy tab .i-pad macam gambar kat bwh cube korang bayang kan tidak bergune jugak kalau korang beli gadget mahal2 kalau tempat tu tidak ade wireless...x gune jugak kan...& kalau gadget korang x byk memory untuk tangkap gambar... same je macam kategori korang pakai gadget biase..hhahhahahahhhaah....
lagi arh membazer sebab fungsi nye ko bayangkan hanye untuk call,sms,dan online...
tapi kalau aq...
aq lbih prefer lagi ipod & camera..kalau ada 2 benda ni aq dah puas...dan aq boleh survive...
simple kan???
tapi kalau orang keluar je handphone baru @ i-pad baru & laptoop baru mesti nak beli...
aq simple je...
kalau untuk camera beli la lens baru...
kalau ipod download la lagu baru...
simple kan...
"kalau ko beli camera ape ko dapat???setakat tangkap gambar je..ko x bosan ke???"
tp mereka tidak rase ke kalau orang dah minat mestilah seseorang tu tidak akan bosan dan tidak seronok malah dia akan rase sgt bahagia dan seronok....
betul tidak??? kalau yang mempunyai minat macam aku korang akan kate ya kan???
cantik kan?? kalau oarang lain mesti kate "membazir je...sebab ko boleh setakat tangkap gmbar je.." Aq tidak faham la dengan mereka ini padahal kalau mereka beli i-phone , galaxy tab .i-pad macam gambar kat bwh cube korang bayang kan tidak bergune jugak kalau korang beli gadget mahal2 kalau tempat tu tidak ade wireless...x gune jugak kan...& kalau gadget korang x byk memory untuk tangkap gambar... same je macam kategori korang pakai gadget biase..hhahhahahahhhaah....
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lagi arh membazer sebab fungsi nye ko bayangkan hanye untuk call,sms,dan online...
tapi kalau aq...
aq lbih prefer lagi ipod & camera..kalau ada 2 benda ni aq dah puas...dan aq boleh survive...
simple kan???
tapi kalau orang keluar je handphone baru @ i-pad baru & laptoop baru mesti nak beli...
aq simple je...
kalau untuk camera beli la lens baru...
kalau ipod download la lagu baru...
simple kan...
Raya Aidil Adha ~
Raya Aidil Adha ~
sume org sibuk nk balek kampong
thun ni aq blek (stelah dah beberapa thon x blek)tp aq x balek nan kluarge.. aq blek nan my aunties..huh..tiap2 thon smbot kat PETALING JAYA...x bosan tp kdg2 rase mcm nk rse lg cmne raye di kmpong...asyek raye kat kL kne arh cbe klainan cket kan??korg plak pe ce??? x blek @ balek???mesty mostly of korang tak blek kan ?
mcm x mstylah nk jmpe ibu & nenek tercnta kan...
hope u all happy!!!!!Thursday, October 27, 2011
Have you thought to take the medical course in united kingdom ..
but if you can be a good result ..
must have that and there must be a yes ..
Because we all have different interests ..
- Oxford University, Medical Sciences Division
- Edinburgh University, Medical School
- Dundee University, Medical School
- Cambridge University, School of Clinical Medicine
- The University of Manchester, School of Medicine
- University College London, Medical School
- Imperial College, School of Medicine
- University of Aberdeen, School of Medicine
- University of Leeds, School of Medicine
- Leicester University Medical School
- Newcastle University, Medical Sciences
- University of Glasgow, Faculty of Medicine
- Peninsula Medical School
- The University of Nottingham, Faculty of Medicine andHealth Sciences
- King's College London, School of Medicine
- The University of Sheffield, School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
- Hull York Medical School
- University of St Andrews, Bute Medical School
- University of Birmingham, School of Medicine
- University of Southampton, School of Medicine
- Bristol University, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
- Swansea University, School of Medicine
- Queen's University, Belfast, Division of Physiology
- The University of Warwick, Medical School
- Queen Mary, University of London, School of Medicine
- St George's Medical School, University of London
- Cardiff University, Institute of Medical Genetics
- University of Liverpool, Faculty of Medicine
- The University of West Anglia, School of Medicine
- Brighton and Sussex Medical School
consider and make the best decision for yourself ..
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
what is scurvy???
Scurvy is a condition where an individual has a vitamin C (ascorbic acid) deficiency. The name scurvy comes from the Latinscorbutus, and humans have known about the disease since ancient Greek and Egyptian times. Scurvy commonly is associated with sailors in the 16th to 18th centuries who navigated long voyages without enough vitamin C and frequently perished from the condition. Modern cases of scurvy are very rare.
Humans are unable to synthesize vitamin C - which is necessary for collagen production and iron absorption - and so they must obtain it from external sources (such as citrus fruits). Therefore, people must consume fruits and vegetables that contain or are fortified with vitamin C in order to avoid the vitamin C deficiency known as scurvy.

Scurvy is a condition where an individual has a vitamin C (ascorbic acid) deficiency. The name scurvy comes from the Latinscorbutus, and humans have known about the disease since ancient Greek and Egyptian times. Scurvy commonly is associated with sailors in the 16th to 18th centuries who navigated long voyages without enough vitamin C and frequently perished from the condition. Modern cases of scurvy are very rare.
Humans are unable to synthesize vitamin C - which is necessary for collagen production and iron absorption - and so they must obtain it from external sources (such as citrus fruits). Therefore, people must consume fruits and vegetables that contain or are fortified with vitamin C in order to avoid the vitamin C deficiency known as scurvy.
how to be a doctor??
Doctors are sought after in the world. Their scope of practice is very wide which ranges from general practitioner to specialist.
A general practitioner doctor takes care of general health of the individuals which ranges from babies to the elderly. They can work in hospitals or setup their own clinics.
A general practitioner doctor can pursue higher education and be trained as a specialist. The process can takes many years to complete. If you have a passion for a certain kind of field, it is worth pursue it as specialist earns much more than a general practitioner.
The various kinds of fields that you can specialised in are:
1. Anaesthetist which deals with anaesthetics.
2. Cardiologist deals with medical conditions related to heart.
3. Gynaecologist deals with reproduction issues.
4. Ophthalmologist handles diseases or disorders relating to eyes.
5. Paediatrician is specialized in medical conditions relating to children.
6 Psychiatrist deals with medical conditions relating to mental, emotional and behavioural disorders.
7. Urologist deals with genitourinary organs and tracts.
8. Dermatologist deals with skin related problems.
You need to start with a degree in medicine and be registered with the local Medical Council before you can start practising.
Preparing For Medical School During Your Bachelor's Degree
During the bachelor's degree portion of your education you will need to take a year of organic chemistry, general chemistry, biology and physics. Microbiology and biochemistry are also helpful. The higher your grades in these core required classes, the better, as they will be scrutinized closely by the admissions team at each medical school to which you apply.
It is highly advisable that you work or volunteer in a healthcare setting, to show that you have a reasonable idea what a physician does during their day. Most successful applicants to medical school have a GPA of 3.3 or higher. The grades obtained in the core science classes will be considered the most important in your application to medical school.
During your last year of school, or once you have completed the required classes, you will take the MCAT, the entrance exam for medical school.
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